About Affies Tagboard Post

#1 A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about you
Monday, April 16, 2012 | 6:38 PM | 0 comments
Peace be upon to youu :D

abaikan muka buruk ni (:

and this is the 15 facts about me :

-01- Seorang yang boleh dikatakan periang.
-02- Seorang yang suka memendam. [Always keep my hurt]
-03- Truly deeply in love with KITKAT and DRUMSTICK. [My soul ]
-04- Damnly tidak suka dengan UBAT-UBATAN. Ughhh! Ihateit ;(
-05- Juga tak suka dengan sayur-sayuran. [Except kubis dalam burger. Heheww :94:]
-06- Sangat menghargai seseorang yang sentiasa ingat birthday saya.
-07- A daugther from En. Naing and Mdm. Baralia.
-08- Hate people more than they hate me. [Sorry, this is my evil attitude]
-09- Susah untuk mempercayai seseorang.
-10- Hate backstabbers.
-11- 24 hours with laptop.
-12- Tidak rapat sudah sama handphone sejak break sama dia :'(
-13- Kalau skait hati mesti pendam sendiri.
-14- Tak pandai cerita sama orang pasal masalah sendiri termasuk my family.
-15- Deeply in love with Shayrul and still forget him ;(

That's all. Thanks. I still miss you over and over again :(

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